Solemnity of Mother Mary

Jan 1st - Solemnity of Mother Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God falls on 1st January, exactly one week after Christmas, the end of the Octave (8 days) of Christmastide. Solemnities in the Catholic Church are the highest rank of liturgical celebration, higher than feast days or memorials. By celebrating a solemnity dedicated to Mary’s motherhood, the Church highlights the significance of her unique role in the life of Jesus. It is fitting to honour Mary as the Mother of Jesus because we are not only honouring Mary, who was chosen among all women throughout history to bear the Incarnate word of God, but we also honour her son as our Lord and Redeemer, who is fully God and fully human (like us in all things except sin). Council of Ephesus Jesus’ unique nature as human and divine, both simultaneously and equally, is something we take as a given. Back in the early days of the church, in 431 A.D., this dogma of our faith was ho...