St Paul
In the Footsteps of St Paul Mosiac of St Paul in the St Paul Memorial Museum in Tarsus St Paul is often referred to as the Apostle of the Gentiles. Even though he was not one of the twelve hand-picked by Christ and did not know Christ in the flesh, it did not stop him from being one of the most influential figures in all of mankind to spread the Gospel. Saint Paul is considered by many to be the second most important Apostle in the history of Christianity, second only to Saint Peter. And many hold him as important as Saint Peter. That's a bold claim albeit not without merit. On our three-week road trip through Antalia in Western Turkey, we were privileged to walk down some of the very same Roman roads as St Paul did over 2000 years earlier in Antioch (Antakya), Tarsus (Mersin), Iconium (Konya), Ephesus (Epfe), Miletus (modern Balat, Aydın), Laodicea (Eskihisar), Pergamum (Bergama), Sardis (Sard), Smyrna (Izmir), Philadelphia (Alasehir), Priene (Güllübahçe), Miletus (B...