
Showing posts with the label Cursillo

Fr. Cyril Desbruslais S.J. : A man for all seasons

  Rev. Fr. Cyril Desbruslais S.J.: A man for all seasons If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader. ~ John Quincy Adams Preface This is a homage to Fr. Cyril Desbruslais S.J.,  on the 50th year anniversary of his youth ministry, on his 81st birthday.   I first interacted with Cyril in 1978 and he remains to this day my friend, brother, mentor and spiritual director. Like many who grew up in the Cantonment area of Poona in the 1970s (and since then right up to this very day), I had the distinct privilege of encountering this tireless youth leader whose ability to identify and connect with youth remains unsurpassed - and I am undoubtedly better for it.  From him, I got the inherent capacity to think  critically with a healthy dose of curiosity and skepticism while keeping an open mind to contrary ideas. As also a willingness to debate respectfully including the ability to disagree without being disagreeable. And above all, t